Millfield School head’s apology angers Hitler actor

Pip Utton dresses as the Nazi dictator for his show
Pip Utton dresses as the Nazi dictator for his show

An actor is furious that a boarding school has apologised for his show about Adolf Hitler, which led to pupils in the audience making Nazi salutes.

Pip Utton has been performing Adolf for 26 years, including three times at Eton as well as Harrow, Charterhouse and other high-profile private schools. His play has also been staged in Berlin and India.

Parents were upset by the show at Millfield School hours before the start of Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.

The play features Utton performing in front of a large Nazi flag while dressed as the dictator. Utton, who has previously taken the show to the Edinburgh Fringe, said he had “manipulated” the pupils at the end to demonstrate “how easy it