Travel with he D to Estonia

Detroit Free Press

In July 2015, Rosalee Tithof of Saginaw and grandsons Truman, 8, and Lawrence Danek, 6, of Chesaning took the D to the town square of Tartu, Estonia, and posed in front of the Kissing Students sculpture and fountain.

Rosalee Tithof of Saginaw and  her 2 grandsons, Truman, 8, and Lawrence, Danek, 6, of Chesaning, pose with the D to the town square of Tartu, Estonia in front of the Kissing Students sculpture and fountain.

The boys' parents, Jason and Amy Danek, also were on the trip. Jason's deceased grandmother Leili Hain was born near Tartu. The Kissing Students sculpture and fountain is one of the most recognized symbols of Tartu. A fountain has stood in the same place since 1948, when newlyweds and their guests would visit it for luck, and people would also take a dip in it. The sculpture was created by Mati Karmin and completed in 1998.

Going on a trip? Take along the Old English D, snap a photo and e-mail a high-resolution image to Please include names and information about the photo and a phone number.