Six-pack surgery can help you achieve a sculpted abdominal appearance so you can show off your masculine physique and abs. The procedure is effective in enhancing muscle definition, sculpting the desired “six pack” look and surgically removing excess fat.

Who can have six pack surgery?

If you have tried everything from months of strict diet and exercise to sit-ups, crunches, protein shakes and healthy snacks, but have not achieved the results you want, then six pack surgery is for you. There are a few criteria to consider before a six-pack surgery:

Body weight should be 30% below your ideal weight.

Age and skin elasticity make a big difference.

There should be no other health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease.

This surgery can be performed alone or in combination with other similar procedures to remove excess fat and help you achieve your desired six pack abs.

How is six pack surgery performed?

Six pack surgery is an outpatient procedure and the entire procedure takes approximately 90 minutes. It is carried out under local or general anaesthetic and prior to the procedure your surgeons will make detailed markings on the abdominal muscle to use as a guide. Several small incisions are made around the navel and a cannula (small metal tube) is inserted under the skin to remove excess fat. The abdominal muscles are exposed by liposuction. Your incisions will then be closed and dressed.

After six pack surgery

A compression garment is placed over the area to allow the abdomen to begin to heal. You can expect some pain and discomfort after the procedure, which can be managed with painkillers prescribed by your doctor. Some swelling, redness and bruising are common side effects of the procedure. You can return to work within 1 to 2 days, and any minor swelling or bruising will disappear within a week.

After six pack surgery

In order to achieve a successful and long lasting result, it is important to do the following:

Take medication as recommended by your doctor.

Avoid strenuous activities for two weeks after the procedure.

Avoid heavy lifting or weight lifting for two weeks.

Eat healthy foods for a quick recovery.

Wear compression garments as advised by your doctor.


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