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Plant type Bulbs
Plant Uses Border, Cottage Garden

Best uses

Best used in large containers, mixed borders or grassy areas.

Physical characteristics

A deciduous flowering bulb that grows up to 60cm tall.

Flowers and foliage

Several green strap-like leaves up to 50cm long appear in spring. Pink, cerise or white scented trumpet-shaped flowers bloom in late summer.

Preferred site

Prefers full sun with moist, free-draining soil. It is not tolerant of frost or dry conditions.

Preparation for planting

Improve poorly drained soils by forming raised beds and incorporating coarse sand or gravel. Ideally, repot every second year if growing in a container. A light application of slow-release fertiliser gives good results. A light dressing of sulphate of potash improves flower quality and increases resistance to leaf spotting diseases. Avoid fertilisers which contain blood and bone or are high in nitrogen.

The bulbs need to be planted with their necks at soil level.

Maintenance tips

Lift and replant every three or four years immediately after flowering. Flowers are produced in mid to late summer with foliage following thereafter. By late summer or early autumn, the foliage will yellow and die back. The bulbs will rest for a few months before beginning the next growing cycle. In warmer areas, the foliage may stay green until mid-spring. It will then yellow and die back. If planted in containers, withhold water when leaves are absent and the bulbs are dormant.

Pests and diseases

Free of pests and disease.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens

Perennial Garden