1. theannoyinghuman reblogged this from beastofnurgle
  2. mystic-theurge reblogged this from beastofnurgle and added:
    I am *SO* glad I’m not the only one that thinks this.
  3. phantom2696 reblogged this from beastofnurgle
  4. humblereflection reblogged this from beastofnurgle
  5. pyreofsunflowers reblogged this from beastofnurgle and added:
    it doesnt help when songs like Everyone I love is Dead and …A dish best served Coldly are right there
  6. dead-philosophy reblogged this from beastofnurgle
  7. onewingeddragonqueen reblogged this from moonlightandmarble
  8. moonlightandmarble reblogged this from beastofnurgle
  9. beastofnurgle posted this