ANCISTRUS – Catfish – facts info

ANCISTRUS – Catfish – facts info

Name and family:hypancistrus_zebra_11

The Ancistrus belong to the family Loricariidae, the order of catfish. The name is not defined the species but a big group of subject different but whit similar character.  Is present naturally in the upper and middle part of the basin of the Amazon, and in the basins of the Rio Negro, in the Trombetas terminal, in the Tefé docks, Madeira and Tapajos.

Feature and behavior:

Has a compressed body and elongated abdomen with brown color and black and any stains or slides of lighter colors. It has a suction cup mouth and pointing down that used to roam the bottom and attach itself to the furnishings in the tank. Ancistrus is a fairly common fish in home aquariums and if they know more than sixty varieties, some very common, other rare. If taken care of in the best way are very long-lived and come to live over 20 years.

Fishes’s coexistance:

Animal character by gruff but peaceful. Coexists with the most common species found in the home aquarium.


Sexual dimorphism and breeding:

The dimorphism is present in a rather accentuated because the males have long bristles on the head, while females have smooth head. Reproduce easily in community aquariums with a tub temperature not less than 26 ° and couples are faithful over time. The female lays eggs in a dark cave, then fertilized by the male who then, they hatch, it will be for a week the fry benchmark.

Feeding and mantenance:

It ‘a vegetarian fish so prefers vegeatble tablets and blanched vegetables such as lettuce and carrots and zucchini lying on the bottom preferably in the dark, being Ancistrus a nocturnal fish. Dispelling the myth here for Ancistrus which is often bought as a fundamental element of domestic aquariums ANCISTRUS IS NOT ALGAE AND DEBRIS EATER , Ancistrus is simply vegetarian.


From 8 euros

Maximum dimension: from 10 to 20 cm 

Swimming level: bottom

Ideal temperature range: 25° – 29° celsius

PH range: 6 – 8

GH range: 6 – 15